Welcome to New Point Hotel and Suites We are one of the best hotels in Uyo and have put so much in place for you to have a comfortable stay at our hotel. We have the best of everything you may want at our facility. The best belief we have of our guest is that they always want to have a good stay and always come back for more when there is a tarvel for business or pleasure. Our wonderful service to our customers has created a bond with our clients and we want you to be a part of us today. New Point Hotel and suites is located at 31 Atiku Abubakar Avenue, Uyo, Akwa-Ibom. We are located few minutes to the Victor Attah airport, Uyo . We have been a home away from home to many foreign guest and investors in Nigeria. Uyo is a very beautiful city and we are always ready to make sure you have a good stay with us in our facility. New Point Hotel offers you that spacious room, a good and free wifi system. We also offer you a drop off drive to the airport and other services
What time do I arrive for my reservation?
Check in Time: 2 Pm
Check Out Time: 12 Noon
How do I locate New Point Hotel and Suites ?
New Point Hotel and Suites is located at 31 Atiku Abubakar Avenue, Uyo, Akwa Ibom
Does New Point Hotel and Suites have a free wifi Facility.
Does New Point Hotel and Suites provide 24 hours room service?
Does New Point Hotel and Suites have a parking space?
Does New Point Hotel and Suites have a swimming Pool?
Does New Point Hotel and Suites accepts three guest in one room?
Do I pay more when booking online?
Does New Point Hotel and Suites accepts Credit card payments?
Does New Point Hotel and Suites allows pet?
What time am I expected to check out after my stay?
12 Noon (Next day if 1 Night reservation)
How do i cancel my reservation?
Call us on for further inquiries.
Children allowed in the Hotel?
Yes, with either parent/ guardian
Air Conditioning | Refrigerator |
DSTV | Television |
Room Service | Swimming Pool |
Parking Space | Free Wifi |
Toiletries | Bar |
Breakfast | Laundry |
24 hours Electricity | Event Hall |
POS | Key Card system |
Restaurant | CCTV camera |
Gift Shop | Car rental |