WELCOME TO FAST SPRING HOTEL AND SUITES Fast Spring Hotel And Suites aims to provide comfort for its guests. It is situated at 23 Nwokocha Street. The rooms are individually furnished with modern fittings and appliances such as a refrigerator, satellite-connected television, air conditioner, and an en-suite bathroom. The staff is well-trained and works round the clock to attend to guests throughout their stay at the hotel. The restaurant is notable for its local and continental dishes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Other facilities include event halls, conference rooms, and a business center. A 24-hour reception service, constant electricity, room service, free internet, daily housekeeping, and free parking space are guaranteed.
What time do I arrive for my reservation?
Check in Time: 2 Pm
Check Out Time: 12 Noon
How do I locate Fast Spring Hotel And Suites ?
Fast Spring Hotel And Suites is located at 23 Nwokocha Street, Independence Layout, Enugu
Does Fast Spring Hotel And Suites have a free wifi Facility.
Does Fast Spring Hotel And Suites provide 24 hours room service?
Does Fast Spring Hotel And Suites have a parking space?
Does Fast Spring Hotel And Suites have a swimming Pool?
Does Fast Spring Hotel And Suites accepts three guest in one room?
Do I pay more when booking online?
Does Fast Spring Hotel And Suites accepts Credit card payments?
Does Fast Spring Hotel And Suites allows pet?
What time am I expected to check out after my stay?
12 Noon (Next day if 1 Night reservation)
How do i cancel my reservation?
Call us on for further inquiries.
Children allowed in the Hotel?
Yes, with either parent/ guardian
Air Conditioning | Refrigerator |
Room Service | Swimming Pool |
Parking Space | Toiletries |
Breakfast | 24 hours Electricity |
Event Hall | POS |
Key Card system | Restaurant |
CCTV camera | Car rental |