Enugu state Guest house is located at No. 3 Udokang Close, Uyo. It has a close proximity to University of Uyo. Akwa Ibom state secretariat and Uyo Township Stadium are respectively 8 minutes and 10 minutes drive from the hotel. The rooms are adequately equipped specifically to the guests satisfaction. The staff are always ready to help make the guests stay a memorable one. Free internet service, adequate parking space, 24-hour front desk service constant power supply is guaranteed. Additional services include dry-cleaning/laundry services, car hiring service upon request from the guest.
What time do I arrive for my reservation?
Check in Time: 2 Pm
Check Out Time: 12 Noon
How do I locate Enugu State Guest House ?
Enugu State Guest House is located at No. 3 Udokang Close, Uyo, Akwa Ibom
Does Enugu State Guest House have a free wifi Facility.
Does Enugu State Guest House provide 24 hours room service?
Does Enugu State Guest House have a parking space?
Does Enugu State Guest House have a swimming Pool?
Does Enugu State Guest House accepts three guest in one room?
Do I pay more when booking online?
Does Enugu State Guest House accepts Credit card payments?
Does Enugu State Guest House allows pet?
What time am I expected to check out after my stay?
12 Noon (Next day if 1 Night reservation)
How do i cancel my reservation?
Call us on for further inquiries.
Children allowed in the Hotel?
Yes, with either parent/ guardian
Air Conditioning | Refrigerator |
Room Service | Swimming Pool |
Parking Space | Toiletries |
Breakfast | 24 hours Electricity |
Event Hall | POS |
Key Card system | Restaurant |
CCTV camera | Car rental |
- Call BookHotels.NG For Bookings.
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