WELCOME TO BEST PRIME HOTEL. Best Prime Hotel, situated at 8 Hombari Crescent, just off Freetown Street in Abuja, Nigeria, is a prestigious luxury accommodation renowned for its prime location near the National Pension Commission headquarters, the Three Arms Zone, and Abuja Arts and Crafts Village. Positioned in the heart of the city, the hotel offers a tranquil and serene atmosphere, making it a preferred choice for discerning travelers seeking a peaceful retreat.
What time do I arrive for my reservation?
Check in Time: 2 Pm
Check Out Time: 12 Noon
How do I locate Best Prime Hotel ?
Best Prime Hotel is located at 8 Hombari Crescent, Wuse 2, Abuja
Does Best Prime Hotel have a free wifi Facility.
Does Best Prime Hotel provide 24 hours room service?
Does Best Prime Hotel have a parking space?
Does Best Prime Hotel have a swimming Pool?
Does Best Prime Hotel accepts three guest in one room?
Do I pay more when booking online?
Does Best Prime Hotel accepts Credit card payments?
Does Best Prime Hotel allows pet?
What time am I expected to check out after my stay?
12 Noon (Next day if 1 Night reservation)
How do i cancel my reservation?
Call us on for further inquiries.
Children allowed in the Hotel?
Yes, with either parent/ guardian
Air Conditioning | Refrigerator |
Room Service | Swimming Pool |
Parking Space | Toiletries |
Breakfast | 24 hours Electricity |
Event Hall | POS |
Key Card system | Restaurant |
CCTV camera | Car rental |